Here we go

I've always struggled with social anxiety. Ever since I was a kid, I knew I was different because I wasn't able to make friends with people as easily as other kids were. In fact the very thought of even making other friends was terrifying to me, and not something that I was particularly interested in because of it. I struggled with this all through my life. It continued intuit high school, where it was the worst of all. Being a teenager is bad enough. I was already struggling with all sorts of hormonal problems and self confidence issues. Add a sprinkle of social anxiety on top of that and you have someone who went through four entire years of high school without making a single friend. There was no one who I could relate to, or share my issues with. It was a really hard time in my Life

I started to improve once I got back into college. At this point, I was still afraid of interacting with others, but I had my first job, which essentially forced me to be social since it involved communicating with lots of people on a daily basis. Then I forced myself even further by joining clubs and putting myself out into the world socially. I would say college was the thing that helped improved me the most.

But then I graduated. I moved back home and I have been having a lot of trouble finding a steady job ever since. As a result, I've fallen back into my socially anxious ways. It's not great, but that's where I am right now. So now I am trying once again to shake the feeling and take my life back. I figured blogging about my journey would be a good place to start. So here I am, trying to beat my social anxiety slowly, day by day.